Welcoming Newcomers to Middlesex County
If you have immigrated to Canada, or are a new resident of this area, Middlesex County is pleased to welcome you! Here you will find a variety of programs and services to help you on your way to becoming more acquainted with life in our region. Whether you are looking for information on citizenship, cultural associations, or employment, we are here to help.
Permanent Residents
Convention refugees and protected persons
Individuals that have been selected to become permanent residents
Foreign nationals with a temporary resident visa under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel
Middlesex County has a wide variety of programs, services, and resources accessible to you and your family when you choose our region as your new ‘home’. To find out more about resettlement resources, check out the links below:
London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership
Ymca Newcomer Settlement Services
Middlesex County
Don’t forget to also check out what other newcomers are saying about their transition to life in Middlesex County with our guide entitled, “The Place We Call Home”