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Women's Rural Resource Centre

Women's Rural Resource Centre
At the Women's Rural Resource Centre of Strathroy and Area ("WRRC"), we use a feminist, anti­ oppressive, trauma-informed framework to deliver prevention, education and crisis support services to women and their families who have been impacted by violence and abuse in rural Middlesex. Our services include a 24-hour helpline and emergency shelter, risk assessment and safety planning, advocacy, system navigation, individual and group healing opportunities, and community development.


At the Women's Rural Resource Centre of Strathroy and Area ("WRRC"), we use a feminist, anti­ oppressive, trauma-informed framework to deliver prevention, education and crisis support services to women and their families who have been impacted by violence and abuse in rural Middlesex. Our services include a 24-hour helpline and emergency shelter, risk assessment and safety planning, advocacy, system navigation, individual and group healing opportunities, and community development.

Employees: Not Provided
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This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

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