Middlesex Terrace

Middlesex Terrace employs Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs), Personal Support Workers (PSWs), Dietary Aides, Laundry Aides, Housekeepers and Activation Staff. We hire only qualified, caring people to care for our residents.
To be hired at Middlesex Terrace, all applicants must have:
- Grade 12 Secondary School Diploma
- Clear Police Check (Vulnerable Sector Screen)
- English literacy
- A passion for caring for seniors in long-term care
Please check our postings on Indeed, or contact us directly regarding job opportunities. We accept resumes at any time.
In addition, Middlesex Terrace welcomes many students in clinical placement opportunities throughout the year. Many students go on to submit applications for employment at our home.
Health and Safety
Middlesex Terrace has a comprehensive Joint Health and Safety Program that provides all employees with education and equipment to enable them to perform their duties in a safe and secure manner. We follow all standards set out by the Ministry of Long Term Care and the Ministry of Labour. Members of our health and safety team regularly attend workshops to ensure Middlesex Terrace remains a leader in protecting our staff while ensuring quality resident care. Members of our management team as well as front line staff have annual training in “Safety in Ambulation and Lifting Techniques.” Health and safety meetings are held to ensure Middlesex Terrace remains a leader in protecting our residents and staff while ensuring quality resident care.